A Recipe for Roasted Strategic Assumptions

A Recipe for Roasted Strategic Assumptions

Many of you have probably already heard this story commonly shared by consultants, but bear with me. A woman got home from work one day and found her husband preparing a roast for dinner. Before he put the meat in the oven, he cut a few inches off the end and saved it...
OKR, KPI and BSC: What is the Difference?

OKR, KPI and BSC: What is the Difference?

I was talking with a client the other day about adding OKRs to their BSC system and she stopped me in mid-sentence. “Wait a minute,” she said with a skeptical smile. “Are OKRs just KPIs with a new name so that you consultants have something new to sell?” To her point,...
The Case for Strategy Certifications

The Case for Strategy Certifications

“Why?”…a simple, three-letter word that a three-year old can utilize with unbelievable tenacity when not getting satisfactory answers.  Merriam-Webster defines “why” as for what cause, reason, or purpose.  The answers to “why?” range from simplistic, easy to...
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