KPI Development: When to Use Ratios

KPI Development: When to Use Ratios

Let’s say you are managing a large organization and your HR director comes to you with bad news. The total number of employees leaving the company has skyrocketed. They show you the chart to the right to indicate that the raw number of employees leaving last year was...
The ABCs of Strategy

The ABCs of Strategy

If your organization is serious about strategy, a basic foundational level of understanding of the phrases associated with and utilized by your organization concerning strategic elements must be established. Because no universal agreement exists in the world of...
COVID-19 Strategies to Consider

COVID-19 Strategies to Consider

Backdrop… When the first case of Coronavirus in the United States was diagnosed in the state of Washington on January 20, 2020, no one truly understood the implications and impact this virus would have on businesses, governments, and organizations around the globe....
4 Ways Your KPIs Remind Me of Our New Puppy

4 Ways Your KPIs Remind Me of Our New Puppy

We welcomed a new puppy named Romeo to our home recently, having finally given in to the kids after about five years of pleading. While we are generally happy with the decision, late last night I stood outside in the rain watching the dog refuse to relieve himself and...
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