Themes, Perspectives and Maps, Oh My!

Themes, Perspectives and Maps, Oh My!

The “Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!!” cliché from Wizard of Oz is commonly repurposed to express awe, apprehension, or fear. In our strategy courses, that apprehension is often expressed as “Themes and Perspectives and Maps, oh my!” Over the years, we have seen...
OKR, KPI and BSC: What is the Difference?

OKR, KPI and BSC: What is the Difference?

I was talking with a client the other day about adding OKRs to their BSC system and she stopped me in mid-sentence. “Wait a minute,” she said with a skeptical smile. “Are OKRs just KPIs with a new name so that you consultants have something new to sell?” To her point,...
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