How Do You Plan for a Disruption Like THIS?!

How Do You Plan for a Disruption Like THIS?!

I was talking to a client the other day about the Coronavirus and how their organization was struggling with what to do with their organizational strategy. Despite their training, they didn’t seem to know where to start. Their uncertainty was understandable, as there...
Are You Holding Employees Accountable?

Are You Holding Employees Accountable?

How many times have you tried to implement what seems like the perfect strategy only to fail because you can’t seem to get your employees to make it happen? Oftentimes the success of a strategy execution or performance management system hinges on whether leaders can...
Strategy Failing Because of Leadership?

Strategy Failing Because of Leadership?

Regardless of what type of strategy planning system your organization utilizes, there is one thing you can be assured of;  not everything will go as planned.  Former world heavyweight boxing champion Mike Tyson put it bluntly, “Everyone has a plan until they get...
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