Themes, Perspectives and Maps, Oh My!

Themes, Perspectives and Maps, Oh My!

The “Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!!” cliché from Wizard of Oz is commonly repurposed to express awe, apprehension, or fear. In our strategy courses, that apprehension is often expressed as “Themes and Perspectives and Maps, oh my!” Over the years, we have seen...
A Recipe for Roasted Strategic Assumptions

A Recipe for Roasted Strategic Assumptions

Many of you have probably already heard this story commonly shared by consultants, but bear with me. A woman got home from work one day and found her husband preparing a roast for dinner. Before he put the meat in the oven, he cut a few inches off the end and saved it...
The Case for Strategy Certifications

The Case for Strategy Certifications

“Why?”…a simple, three-letter word that a three-year old can utilize with unbelievable tenacity when not getting satisfactory answers.  Merriam-Webster defines “why” as for what cause, reason, or purpose.  The answers to “why?” range from simplistic, easy to...
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