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Why Strategic Planning Fails – Part 2
The second pitfall is people not buying in to the strategy as it is developed.
Why Strategic Planning Fails – Part 1
The first pitfall has to do with not gaining Senior Leadership support before you begin the effort.
Which Tax Change Means Reassessing YOUR Strategy?
If your organization wants to avoid a similar failure, it is critical that you periodically evaluate the strategic environment that you work in and make sure that your strategy is not based on similarly invalid assumptions.
Obfuscating Objectives
Get strategic objectives and your strategy map right and your balanced strategic plan and strategy story will come alive quickly and clearly.
Strategic Planning in the Healthcare Industry
Over the last 10 years we have seen a tremendous change in the healthcare industry. Whether it is a shift in philosophy to focus on more value-based care or navigating the impact of implementing the Affordable Care Act here in the United States, significant shifts...
Why “World Class” Performance Isn’t Measurable
Let’s say our organization needs to buy a fleet of vehicles and we have two procurement teams. We tell team 1 that we want quiet, blue, four-door, fuel-efficient cars. We tell team 2 that we want world-class, high-quality, great-value, high-performing...
Types of KPIs: The Logic Model and Beyond
As part of the KPI Basics series of content we are developing as part of the launch of the website, I thought I would introduce the different types of key performance indicators (KPIs). As I describe in the accompanying video, like to use a...
How to Keep Lettuce Crunchy and Other Strategy Execution Lessons
I learned two lessons in college that I still think about – one in the kitchen and one as a strategy execution consultant. My professor claimed during a cell biology lesson that if you leave iceberg lettuce in water for about 20 minutes its cells expand as they soak...
What I Learned About KPIs from My Six-Year-Old
I arrived to pick up my daughter on the last day of art camp just in time for program evaluations. Since we at the Balanced Scorecard Institute (BSI) use evaluation data for course improvement, I was intrigued to watch a room full of six- to nine-year-olds...
How Did I Get an MBA Without Learning This?
Most MBA programs pride themselves as being the ”practical” degree that will best prepare its students for any number of management roles. And I have to admit that I can point to that degree as a true turning point in my career. But it wasn’t until I became a Balanced...