Strategic Management Health Assessment
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Strategic Management Health Assessment
Are you getting the most out of your strategic management system? Do you feel like there are disconnects or missing components? Have you kept up with emerging best practices in strategic planning and management?
If you answered “yes” to any of the above, it may be time for an expert evaluation of your complete strategic planning and performance management system to see how you compare to other high performing organizations and to learn about ways to improve your system and the results you are achieving.
How a Strategic Management Health Assessment Works
An expert Balanced Scorecard Institute (BSI) consultant will provide advisory consulting services as we evaluate your existing strategic planning and performance management strategy and process as compared to best practice. A gap assessment report will be delivered (See example graphic in Figure 1), along with customized recommendations for improvement.
Figure 1: BSC Gap Assessment
As part of this report, we will provide recommendations and we will discuss each recommendation with you, providing examples and other information for you to use as you consider the benefits of each suggested enhancement to your current system. We will then help you develop a customized roadmap and timeline for improvements to your balanced scorecard strategic management system. The focus will be on which elements of BSI’s balanced scorecard strategic planning and management framework, Nine Steps to Success™, would be appropriate to fill in any gaps identified during the assessment, always building on the work that you have already completed with the goal of strengthening your performance management program as you update your strategy.
The assessment also includes an onsite visit to review our findings and recommendations, along with a 1-2 hour executive education session with your senior leaders and managers to review best practices in strategic balanced scorecard development and implementation (including strategy mapping and performance measures), change management/communications, cascading and performance analysis.
The executive education session provides an opportunity for a personalized discussion of your organization’s current situation and needs as well as an executive overview training on best practices in strategic planning and performance management frameworks. The purpose of this session is to help an executive team understand and make an informed decision regarding a way ahead.
This is an interactive session led by a senior consultant for executives and team members. We present a high-level overview of strategic planning and management best practices, explain how to develop strategic balanced scorecard (including developing meaningful performance measures), and discuss the priorities for moving forward and options for integrating the Nine Steps to Success™ methodology into your current process. The session is customized to your organization. Sample topics include:
- Basic concepts of the balanced scorecard and why it is becoming the leading strategic management system of the 21st century
- Changes that have occurred in strategic planning and management since you last built or refreshed your strategic balanced scorecard and how these could be integrated into your upcoming refresh
- How balanced scorecards are used to transform organizations, achieve strategic alignment and improve performance
- A disciplined methodology to build, implement, and sustain your integrated balanced scorecard
- How to select balanced scorecard software to manage your organization’s performance data
- How a scorecard system can drive a performance-based budget and employee accountability
- Some of the challenges and pitfalls of strategic management, and how to deal with them
How to Move Forward
If you are interested in an assessment and recommendations on next steps to take in improving strategic performance, you may contact the Balanced Scorecard Institute online (www.balancedscorecard.org/contact) or call (919) 460-8180. We will contact you to discuss further steps to achieve a breakthrough in strategic performance.
Balanced Scorecard Professional Certification
Strategic Planning

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