The Balanced Scorecard and Risk Management
Does the Balanced Scorecard help to manage risk and if so how?
KPI Development: When to Use Ratios
Beginners in the KPI space often make the mistake of developing raw count measures where ratios would be more meaningful.
The ABCs of Strategy
If your organization is serious about strategy, its own glossary of strategic terms associated with and utilized by your organization concerning strategic elements must be established.
COVID-19 Strategies to Consider
Regardless of how an organization deals with changing circumstances, it must know where it is going and needs a strategy to define how it will arrive at its destination.
4 Ways Your KPIs Remind Me of Our New Puppy
After welcoming a new puppy to our home recently, I realized that there are several similarities between a new puppy and the challenges that my KPI clients face.
Is There Enough Strategy in Your Project Reporting?
Can there be ‘strategic’ discussions around projects beyond traditional project reporting? Can leaders’ conversations really be elevated from the weeds to 30,000 feet?