Suzy Nisbet is a Human Resources Management Consultant and a Balanced Scorecard Institute Senior Consultant. She has over 25 years of human resources and strategic management experience as a consultant, facilitator, and practitioner. She provides expert advice and guidance to companies in the private sector, including manufacturing, technology, life sciences, healthcare, and services. Suzy also regularly consults with government, university, and non-profit clients.
In addition to working 11 years at SAS, the world’s largest privately held software company, Suzy also held management roles at BuildNet and the N.C. Office of State Personnel. She now helps clients build strategic management plans to create a results-oriented environment. Through coaching executives and managers in positive employee engagement, Suzy focuses on individual alignment with top-level strategy. Sample BSI clients that Suzy has served include Liebherr Group, Tolko Industries, Arapahoe County Government, Wake County Community Services, Fort Bragg, Capital Metro Austin, U.S. Defense Accounting and Finance Service, and Ethiopia Federal Ministry of Health.
Suzy is an instructor for Duke University Continuing Studies and is a regular presenter at human resource management professional association meetings and conferences. In addition to a Bachelor of Arts degree (magna cum laude) from Campbell University, Suzy holds certifications as a Balanced Scorecard Professional, Senior Professional in Human Resources, Certified Compensation Professional, and Global Remuneration Professional.