Themes, Perspectives and Maps, Oh My!
A quick dive into understanding Strategic Themes, Perspectives and Strategy Maps and the differences between each and the relationship to one another.
A Recipe for Roasted Strategic Assumptions
Consultants have been telling the story about cutting the ends off the roast for years. Only they’ve been telling the story wrong.
Post Pandemic Lessons Learned: Can Your Business Survive and Thrive?
Successful business strategies for adaptation to a COVID-19 environment.
Achieving High-Performance Through a Continuous Improvement Mindset
A culture of continuous improvement (CI) is not easy to attain, but once in place, results in an organization that is steadily improving its performance over time.
The Role of Middle Managers in Strategic Thinking and Implementation
The need for middle managers to be explicitly involved and accountable for strategic thinking and implementation is an ongoing trend with no end in sight.
OKR, KPI and BSC: What is the Difference?
Even seasoned measurement practitioners have a hard time differentiating between Objectives and Key Results (OKR), Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Balanced Scorecard (BSC).